Vintage RC car manuals, catalogs, decals & other documents

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File Size Last Modified
D&T_01_1987_Aug-Sep (EN-AU).pdf 47.69 MB Apr 5th 2022 at 6:11am
D&T_02_1987_Oct-Nov (EN-AU).pdf 37.77 MB Apr 12th 2022 at 12:20pm
D&T_03_1987_Dec-1988_Jan (EN-AU).pdf 38.44 MB May 26th 2022 at 11:41am
D&T_04_1988_Feb-Mar (EN-AU).pdf 38.01 MB Jul 8th 2024 at 11:11am
D&T_08_1988_Oct-Nov (EN-AU).pdf 38.65 MB Jul 8th 2024 at 11:11am
D&T_09_1988_Dec-Jan (EN-AU).pdf 35.22 MB Oct 17th 2022 at 1:05pm
D&T_15_1990_Jan-Feb (EN-AU).pdf 35.39 MB Oct 17th 2022 at 1:07pm
D&T_16_1990_Apr-May (EN-AU).pdf 35.78 MB Oct 17th 2022 at 1:10pm
D&T_17_1990_Jul-Aug (EN-AU).pdf 39.53 MB Oct 17th 2022 at 1:12pm
D&T_18_1990_Dec-Jan (EN-AU).pdf 31.73 MB Oct 17th 2022 at 1:14pm
D&T_20_1991_Jun-Jul (EN-AU).pdf 32.33 MB Oct 17th 2022 at 1:16pm
D&T_23 (EN-AU).pdf 38.78 MB Oct 17th 2022 at 1:19pm
D&T_38_1996_Jul-Aug (EN-AU).pdf 29.44 MB Oct 17th 2022 at 1:20pm

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